Tag Archives: solar panels

Compressing Matters

A solar panel is mounted on a metal stand in the middle of a field, powering a top-head drive pump. The panel is connected to a control box and a small white pipe. The sky is clear and blue, and the surrounding area is covered with dry grass.

Looking at the use of compressed air with leachate and condensate pumps

By Mark Bertane

As seen in MSW Management Magazine

Talk with a seasoned landfill managing engineer about pneumatic power. Pneumatic was already on site when he or she arrived, pushing compressed air significant distances to make leachate and condensate pumps work.

Hardly unusual. It would be difficult to find a North American landfill that doesn’t rely on compressed air. Pneumatic is old-shoe technology – go-to because it is familiar, understood, almost comfortable.

Talk with a seasoned landfill managing engineer about pneumatic power. Pneumatic was already on site when he or she arrived, pushing compressed air significant distances to make leachate and condensate pumps work.